Java Script is disabled in your web browser

Please Enable Java Script in your web browser for your smoother operations on

  • Kindly follow below mentioned steps to enable Java script in your browser OR
  • Click on "How to enable Javascript?"
  • After following the steps, Click again of the concerned link.

Internet Explorer Browser:

  • Open Internet Explorer Browser
  • Click on "Tools" from the menu.
  • Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
  • In Internet Options dialog box click on the "Security" tab.
  • Select "Internet" from Zone to view the security settings
  • Click "Custom level" button at bottom, Custom Level security settings dialog box will open up.
  • Under "Scripting category" you will find "Active Scripting" option and click on "Enable"
  • Click OK from the Custom Level dialog box.
  • Click OK from Internet Options.
  • Click on the concerned link / page.

Mozilla Firefox Browser:

  • Open Mozilla Firefox Browser
  • Click on "Tools" from the menu.
  • Click on "Options" sub-menu from the Tools menu.
  • Click on "Content" Tab
  • Make sure "Enable Javascript" is checked.
  • Click Ok and Reload the page

Opera Browser:

  • Open Opera Browser
  • Click on Menu and click on "Settings" sub-menu
  • Select "Quick Preferences" from the File menu.
  • Make sure "Enable Javascript" is checked.
  • Click on the concerned link / page.

Safari Browser:

  • Open Safari Browser
  • Click on Edit menu and click on "Preferences"
  • Click on "Security" Tab
  • Under "Web Content", you will find "Enable JavaScript" checkbox - click on it.
  • Press Esc and Click on the concerned link / page.