Class-3 Certificates are issued to individuals, companies and government organizations. They can be used both for personal and commercial purposes. They are typically used for electronic commerce applications such as electronic banking, electronic data interchange, and membership-based on-line services, e-Tendering Portal, e-Procurement where security is a major concern.
The level of trust created by the Digital Certificate is based on the authentication procedures used by the CA to verify your identity and the service guarantees offered by the CA to back up that authentication.
Certifying Authorities uses various procedures to obtain evidence of your identity before issuing you the Class-3 Certificate. During verification, you will also need to be physically (Personal) present before a Licensing Registration Authority (LRA), qualified by CA due to their neutrality and reliability. These validation procedures provide stronger assurances of an applicant's identity.
This level is relevant to environments where threats to data are high or the consequences of the failure of security services are high. This may include very high value transactions or high levels of fraud risk.